Thursday, February 19, 2015

Inquired on Four.. Doubtful for Any.. But I can have Hope.

Spoke with a foster care group in a nearby county who were baffled on why we are not being supported thru our foster care agency to adopt and suggested maybe we change agencies.. We love the caseworkers we work with..They have a real love for the children and it's obvious and are supportive of the foster parents (in foster care situations) however even though our homefinders and caseworkers are educated in the fact that we would like to adopt  seems like we hit a brick wall getting anywhere adoption wise..

I did send out inquiries on four children..I shouldn't have sent an inquiry out for three of them though because they are a sibling group of three and we cannot adopt three children as much as it's irresistible, they are 3 blond haired, blue eyed boys ages 3, 2, 1)  Reality is three is too many seeing that we have three littler ones at home not to mention our foster son who is going home either June or beginning of July.  I got drawn into their beautiful little serious faces and sent it out anyhow, not thinking I'd get a response..I got a response- submit your homestudy.  Now we've been asked for our homestudy before and gotten nowhere fast but I just can't do it.  What would happen if we actually did get chosen?  I've already gotten a resounding no from my hubby so it stops here.  It's hard to stop it before it even starts but honestly, after getting shut down so many times, I'm pretty confident it will happen again. 

We did send out an inquiry on a single four yr old little girl but I'm not really positive about hearing back.  Oftentimes caseworkers don't even contact back at all.. Then they see we have children at home and that's the next end..  But we don't know unless we try.  And I will keep trying till we find the child that is meant for our family, because I truly believe deep in my heart that there is a child for us out there, we just have to find him/her...